Miscellaneous Disclosure Log 2023

  1. Admissions to Hospital from a Care Home Response 8450
  2. Admissions to Hospital from a Care Home Response 8450 - Attachment
  3. Active Transport Response 8058
  4. Appointment Letters Response 8096
  5. Armed Forces Covenant Response 8346
  6. Autoclaves Response 7931
  7. Assisted Discharge Response 8342
  8. Bariatric Equipment Response 8068
  9. Blinded Surgical Glove Evaluation Response 8302
  10. Blood Tubes Response 8327
  11. Blood Tubes Response attachment 8327
  12. Cannulation Kits Response 8221
  13. CCTV Response 8300
  14. Chemical Leak Incidents Response 8155
  15. Chief Executive Response 8380
  16. Community Diagnostic Centres Response 8118
  17. Contracted Orthopaedic Trauma Providers Response 8438
  18. Decontamination Services Response 8543
  19. Drape Usage In Theatre Response 8519
  20. Drape Usage in Theatres Response 8519 - Attachment
  21. DXA Scans Response 7926
  22. EHIC Cards Response 8171
  23. Enteral Feeding Devices Response 7884
  24. Entertainment Offering Response 8075
  25. Employment Tribunal Claims and Costs Response 8324
  26. Employment Tribunals Response 8362
  27. Employment Tribunals Non-Disclosure Agreements Response 8245
  28. Estates Response 8357
  29. EPRR Patient Care and Support Services Response 8001
  30. Faulty Equipment Response 8160
  31. Fires in Hospitals Response 8138
  32. First Aid Training Response 7956
  33. First Aid Training Response 7956 - Attachment
  34. Food provisions Response 8173
  35. Freedom of Information Requests Response 8352
  36. Gender Guidance Response 8176
  37. Gift Cards and Gift Vouchers Response 8435
  38. Gloves Response 8101
  39. Gloves Response 8101 - Attachment
  40. Good Governance Institute Response 8127
  41. Healthcare and Specialised Transport Response 8387
  42. Hospital Catering Response 7906
  43. Hospital Beds Response 8375
  44. Hospital Beds Response 8375 - Attachment
  45. Hospital and Department Workload Statistics Response 8446
  46. Hospital and Department Workload Statistics Response 8446 - Attachment
  47. Hospital Transfers Response 8188
  48. Hospital Transfers Response 8188 - Attachment
  49. Immunoglobulin Treatments Response 8232
  50. Independent Royal College Reports Response 7933
  51. Laboratories within Pathology Response 8124
  52. Metallic Implants in MRI Scans Response 8238
  53. MKUH Policies Response 8048
  54. Mortuary Temperature Monitoring Response 8502
  55. MRI Machines Response 8524
  56. New Hospital Build Response 8121
  57. NHS charity and league of friends Response 8461
  58. NHS Machines Response 8199
  59. NHS Safe Places Response 8540
  60. No Fixed Abode Response 7863
  61. No Fixed Abode Response 7863 - Attachment
  62. Non-Urgent X-ray Response 8279
  63. Non Emergency Patient Transport Services Response 7872
  64. Operating Lights Response 8240
  65. Operating Tables Response 7874
  66. Operating Theatres Response 7852
  67. Outsourced Radiology Reporting via 'Teleradiology' Companies Response 8359
  68. Patient Safety Incident Response Plan Response 8477
  69. Patient Safety Incidents Response 8463
  70. Procured Devices Response 8374
  71. Procurement Team Response 8357
  72. Prosthetic and Orthotic Services Response 8275
  73. Patient Group Directions Response 8437
  74. Patient Transport Response 8179
  75. PET-CT Services and Contract Response 8429
  76. Posters Paid for by the Trust Response 8504
  77. Postage Costs Response 7880
  78. Post-Mortem Examinations Response 8082
  79. Pride Response 8135
  80. Print and print Stock Management Response 8063
  81. Printed Stationery Response 7972
  82. Print and Post Room FOI Response 7640
  83. Print and Post Room FOI Response 7640 - Attachment 1
  84. Print and Post Room FOI Response 7640 - Attachment 2
  85. Registered Audits Response 8061
  86. Registered Audits Response 8061 -Attachment
  87. Social Listening Response 8137
  88. Serious Violence ED Admissions Response 8473
  89. Social Media Management and Listening Response 8198
  90. Software System Capable Response 8514
  91. Stolen Medical Equipment Response 8459
  92. Strikes and Trusts use of the BMA Rate Response 8076
  93. Surgical Instruments Response 8187
  94. Subsidy in Staff Canteen Response 7862
  95. Tier 3 and Tier 4 Weight Management Services Response 7887
  96. Tourniquets used for Venepuncture and Cannulation Response 8478
  97. Trans Woman Inpatient Response 8495
  98. Trust open to elective theatres at the weekend Response 8471
  99. Trusts Surgical Hubs Response 8141
  100. Use of Dogs in Trust Response 8059
  101. Waiting List for a CT Scan Response 8278
  102. Wayfinding Response 8298
  103. Wayfinding Response 8298 - Attachment