Last Modified: 11:30am 08/12/2023

The Chaplaincy Service

The hospital’s chaplaincy team provides pastoral, spiritual and religious care to the whole hospital community, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. For any person, being in hospital themselves or having a loved one in hospital can throw up a range of complex emotions. Chaplains will provide time and support for these experiences to be processed in a  non-judgmental and caring space. Chaplains are specialists in providing attentive listening which can be hugely beneficial when facing illness and uncertainty.

Care for the ‘human spirit’ is so important and helps us to reflect on our relationship to ourselves, other people and the world around us. You may wish to speak to a  chaplain to help reflect on your situation and find impartial support beyond your own networks.

Our goal is to offer support that would enhance anyone impacted by a stay in hospital, or the stay of a loved-one.

Why might you speak to a chaplain?

  • If you have received bad news.
  • If you would like to talk to someone non-medical about your  experiences in confidence.
  • Following a pregnancy loss at any stage, for support or to discuss funeral options and arrangements.
  • If your loved one is dying or has died, including support to see them.
  • If you would like help and support practising your religious faith, including speaking to someone from your own faith and belief community, or having a significant text to read.
  • If you would like to have an  emergency wedding.
  • If you need support in having your cultural needs understood and met.
  • To support with any reflections prompted by your stay in hospital.

Support for all faiths and worldviews

People of all worldviews, including those who belong to a particular religious faith, respond as individuals to illness. Sometimes our deeply held beliefs can be a help to us in crisis and at other times they can be a source of difficulty.

The chaplaincy team will support any patient, visitor or member of staff in a way that is  person-centred. This means that we start with the person and their needs rather than sharing our own faith or beliefs.

The Chapel & Quiet Room and Muslim Prayer Rooms

Sometimes it can be helpful to leave the bustle of the hospital and find somewhere quiet. The Chapel & Quiet room, located near Ward 21, is always available for quiet contemplation or    prayer. A Christian service of Holy Communion is held on Thursday at 8.30am and Holy Communion is taken to patients on the wards on Sunday mornings.

Nearby are Muslim Prayer rooms with separate washing and prayer facilities for men and women. Friday prayer is held in the Chapel and Quiet room around 1.15pm.

(L-R : Sarah, Anne-Marie, Claire, Ali)

Our Roman Catholic Chaplain visits weekly as well as providing on-call support in emergencies. If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick or Holy Communion please contact us or ask staff.


How to contact us:

  • By asking a member of staff
  • By telephone on 01908 996061—Chaplaincy office
  • Email: [email protected]

If the request is urgent please ask staff to bleep the on-call chaplain or from Willen Hospice and the Campbell Centre phone the hospital switchboard on 01908 660033  

A chaplain is normally available 24 hours a day in an emergency.

Departmental lead

Revd Sarah Crane

Contact Number

01908 996 062


Blue Zone - Level Two

Car Park


Visiting hours

The Chapel, Quiet Room and Muslim Prayer Rooms are open 24/7. At night you will need a member of staff to swipe you in.

Additional Information

Email: [email protected]

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MKUH has partnered with AccessAble in order to provide a detailed access guide for the public. This guide lets you know what access will be available when you visit our hospital and services. In order to find out more about the route you will use for the Chaplaincy please follow this link: