Last Modified: 12:02pm 25/10/2021

Video & Phone Consultations

People are increasingly using technology in almost every aspect of their lives. Within healthcare you may have already experienced this, through the growing use of telephone support, text messaging, online portals and more recently, video consultations.

Here at Milton Keynes University Hospital we are keen to provide you with a similar level of service, using modern technology to give you more control to manage your appointments and see information relating to your care.  You may already be registered to use our MyCare Patient Portal and where it is medically appropriate we are now expanding our outpatient service to include both telephone and video consultations.

Replacing visits to hospital with a telephone or video consultation is still in a pilot stage and if we are able to offer you one of these facilities for your appointment, we will let you know.

For video consultations we are using Microsoft Teams and if you are offered a video consultation we will need to ask you to provide an email address, this is to enable the team to set up your appointment and send you a link so that you are able to join at the correct time.  Your information will not be shared with anyone other than those directly involved in your care.

Some outpatient appointments and diagnostic appointments (scans, x-rays, endoscopies etc) will need people to continue to attend the hospital. If you have not heard from the hospital with a change to your appointment, please attend as planned.

How to guides

How to access your online video consultation using your mobile phone

How to access your online video consultation using a PC or laptop


How to access your online video consultation using your PC or laptop