The Joint School
You will meet other patients waiting to have their hips replaced. It is important to bring 1 relative or carer with you so that they can be aware of how to support you when you go home after your operation.
The Joint School is an educational session run by the Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist (OT) and Pain Nurse who will explain what is going to happen to you during your stay in hospital. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have however simple you may feel they are.
The Joint School is essential to the Rapid Recovery Programme and must be attended or surgery may be postponed or deferred.
The Physiotherapist will teach you the exercises to perform, if it is not too painful it is useful to start doing these exercises before you operation. This will help you after your operation as your muscles will be stronger and you will be confident doing the exercises after the operation.
The OT will assess you and identify any potential problems. You may require equipment at home which will be offered in advance ready for you upon discharge home. Please make sure you have completed the Occupational Therapy form (refer to page 5) and send it to the address on the form. They will also identify if you need any help with your personal care and domestic tasks so appropriate referrals can be made.
The Pain Specialist Nurse will talk about managing your pain after the operation and about the different anaesthetics you can have. They are happy to answer any questions or queries you may have about pain medication.
Last Modified: 9:03am 04/11/2020