Pregnancy & Women’s Health
CAREFOL-HT – ClinicAl Randomised AntEnatal study to Characterise Key Roles of TetrahydroFOLate in HyperTensive Pregnancies
Cleft Collective Cohort Studies v1 – A large DNA backed prospective resource for the study of the genetic and environmental determinants of cleft lip and/or palate and the long term outcomes in children with cleft lip and/or palate
ESPrit2 – A multicentre RCT to determine the effectiveness of laparoscopic removal of isolated superficial peritoneal endometriosis for the management of chronic pelvic pain in women
OBS-UK – Clinical and cost effectiveness of a maternity quality improvement programme to reduce excess bleeding and need for transfusion after childbirth: the Obstetric Bleeding Study UK (OBS UK)
PANDA – A phase III, multi-centre, randomised placebo-controlled trial of oral iron supplementation for the prevention of maternal anaemia
PROTECT – Protect Pregnancy Outcomes using continuous glucose monitoring TEChnology in pregnant women with early onset Type 2 diabetes
SNAP 3 – Open-label randomised controlled trial of enhanced support and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) offered for preloading, lapse recovery and smoking reduction: impact on smoking in pregnancy
Last Modified: 9:43am 10/02/2025