Patient Reported Outcome Measures

Patient Reported Outcome Measures, sometimes called ‘PROMs’, are questionnaires that ask patients about their health before and after an operation. They help to measure the results or outcome of the operation from the patient’s point of view.

All NHS patients, wherever they are treated, who are undergoing hip replacement, knee replacement, varicose veins or groin hernia surgery are being invited to fill in these PROMs questionnaires.

The purpose of the questionnaires is to collect information about the quality of healthcare services. The information collected will be used to produce statistics about the quality of healthcare services offered by different healthcare providers (hospitals) across the NHS. These statistics will be used to measure and improve the quality of healthcare services.

Why are we doing this?

We want to improve the quality of health-care services wherever we can – and it’s crucial to ask patients what they think.

Patient Reported Outcome Measures will help the NHS improve still further the quality of services for patients, by taking into account patients’ views of quality, and will help hospitals reach the very best standards of care.

What happens next?

You will be asked to fill in a short Before your operation questionnaire when you go to hospital. You should read the information on the front cover and if you wish to, fill in the questionnaire with your answers. Once you have completed the questionnaire please hand it back to the person who gave it you.

In a few months time you will be sent an After your operation questionnaire through the post to fill in and return. Once you have filled in the questionnaire with your answers please post it back to us in the enclosed envelope. This is free-post and does not require a stamp.

Do I have to take part?

Your help would be greatly appreciated, but it is not compulsory. If you do not wish to take part, do not complete the questionnaire.

Do I have to give my consent to participate?

With your permission, the personal details that you provide and other information held about you in other NHS databases will be used to analyse and interpret the information collected. By completing the Before your operation questionnaire you are giving your consent for your data to be used in this way. There is a statement on the front of the questionnaire that you will be given which tells you exactly what you are giving your consent for and how the data will be used.

Your personal information will be handled securely and it will be anonymised after analysis and before any publication. Your personal information will not be released unless required by law or where there is a clear overriding public interest.

Can I change my mind?

Yes, up to the point where the data is analysed and personal details removed. Withdrawing your information will not affect your medical or legal rights in any way. You can do so by contacting the PROMs team by any of the contact methods shown overleaf.

What will happen to the information I give you?

Your personal details will be held confidentially in accordance with the Data Protection Act. They would only be used as set out on front page of the Before your operation questionnaire. Your details will be used to send you an After your operation questionnaire by post. Your personal information will be held for no longer than 24 months for checking the accuracy of the information and statistics produced. If we want to use your information for anything else, or hold the information for more than 24 months, we will write to you and ask your permission.

Why are other organisations used to help with the programme?

Contractors working on behalf of the Department of Health and the Health and Social care Information Centre help to handle, process and analyse the information you give. Only organisations with a long track record of expertise in these areas have been chosen to support the collection and reporting of Patient Reported Outcome Measures.

Will my personal details be safe?

Published reports will not contain any personal details. The handling and storage of personal information will be undertaken to the very highest standards.

How to contact us:

You can contact us through any of the means below if you have any questions or would like more information about Patient Reported Outcome Measures, the questionnaires, confidentiality or how your personal details will be held and used.

Telephone helpline: 0800 917 1163

Visit: http://www.quality–

Email: info@quality –

By Post:

Quality Health
Unit 1, Holmewood Business Park
Chesterfield Road
S42 5US

Last Modified: 9:00am 04/11/2020