Urology Team Macmillan CNS and MDT
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The Urology Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) / Key Worker provide a service for patients diagnosed with a urological cancer. The role is available to provide a point of contact, from diagnosis through investigation and treatment, for patients and their families whose life has been affected by the diagnosis. Finding out you have cancer may be a difficult time for you. You may have concerns or questions and to help you I am your Key Worker.
My name is_______________________________
When are we available
The service is available Monday-Fridays 8am – 4pm excluding Bank Holidays. You can contact me on; 01908 996 901/ 902 /903 (answer phone or 660033 and ask for bleep 1400).
We can offer:
• Co-ordination of the patient journey as the Key Worker
• Advice and emotional support to you and your family
• Written information about your urological cancer, potential treatments and management.
• A link with other services and treatment centres
Point of contact – Key Worker role
• Referral to other services as needs require
• Support group meeting information
• Nurse-led clinics (Face to Face / Via Telephone)
• If you require help or advice outside our working hours you can seek support from your GP
Holistic Need Assessment
• We offer this service to assess any additional concerns and needs you have post diagnosis. Direct you to other support services and Macmillan Well-being Team, clinical psychologist, HOPE course, Macmillan Wellbeing physiotherapy Team etc.
• This further assessment and discussion will be either face-to face or via telephone depending on the patient’s preference
• Patient leaflet re this service will be provided at your breaking bad news consultation
Finding out you have cancer and adjusting to life after cancer can be an emotionally difficult time. Counselling services aim to give you (and your family) the opportunity to talk through your worries and concerns. They can be arranged through your GP.
Support Groups
You might find it helpful to meet others who have similar experiences to yourself. Please ask for contact details.
Multi-Disciplinary Team Meetings
Your healthcare team
Diagnosing and treating Urological cancers requires a team of experts. This team is called a MultiDisciplinary team or MDT for short. The team is made up of professionals who deal with cancer.
These are individuals who understand what cancer cells look like and how they behave, people who can carry out tests and decide what the type of cancer is, and which drugs are most effective in
treating your cancer.
With a lot of urological cancers, particularly prostate, your case will need discussing at a Specialist Multi-Disciplinary team (SMDT) meeting. This takes place on a Friday in conjunction with the
Churchill Hospital, Oxford. These meetings are scheduled weekly and your key worker will inform you when your case will be discussed. You are not required to attend these meetings but you will be informed of the outcome of your case discussion. There are lots of people in the MDT/SMDT. All of the team play a part in supporting you and your family throughout your plan of care. Some of the team that you may come into contact with may include the following:
Consultant Urologist
You will be referred to a Consultant in the first instance. The Consultant Urologist will assess your symptoms and diagnose primary and recurrent cancers. Once your condition has been diagnosed, the Urologist will discuss your different treatment options, including any medication currently available. They will also, if indicated, carry out any operations required to treat your cancer.
Clinical Oncologist
Is an expert in deciding which drugs or other treatment will be the best for treating your type of cancer? A Clinical Oncologist is a specialist in radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. A Medical Oncologist is a specialist in chemotherapy and hormone therapy.
Urology Nurse Specialist Key Worker
This is an expert nurse with additional specialist qualifications in their area of expertise, which covers the disease and its treatment/management. The nurse will assist in co-ordinating your journey and take some responsibility for your chosen plan of care.
This is a doctor who is an expert in looking at x-rays and carrying out technical diagnostic imaging and special scans from which a diagnosis is made.
Diagnostic Radiographer
This is a person who uses a range of equipment such as x-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, bone scans and MR scans to produce images of an injury or disease. This will help assist in your diagnosis and
treatment management.
Research Nurse
The Research Nurse identifies patients who are eligible for any research studies that are currently being carried out in the Urology department. You may be approached to participate.
The Pathologist
This is a doctor who is an expert in looking at cells under a microscope and working out how they might behave. They look at your biopsies and diagnose the presence or not of cancer cells.
The Registrar/Staff Grade Urologist
Is a senior doctor who has chosen to specialise in Urology and is receiving specialist training.
You come first
To make sure you are the one who benefits, everyone in the MDT/SMDT meets on a weekly basis, when your case will be discussed. You will then be informed of the treatment choices available. Verbal and written information will be given to you at every stage of your care to help support any decisions you make.
Research is undertaken to add to the existing scientific knowledge on a particular subject. There are a number of staff within the Trust who conduct Research studies. It is possible that during the
course of your treatment you may be asked to take part in a research study, however, you do have the right to refuse, and this will not affect the care that you receive.
Useful Websites
Cancer Backup: www.cancerbackup.org.uk
Macmillan Cancer Relief: www.macmillan.org.uk
Patient Experience: www.cancerinfo.nhs.uk
www.prostatecanceruk/org Prostate Cancer UK 08000748383
Macmillan http://www.macmillan.org.uk/Home.aspx www.macmillan.org.uk/HowWeCanHelp/FinancialSupport/Financialguidance
Macmillan information line 0808 808 2020 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday
Macmillan Benefits Advice Line 0800 138 6568
Kidney Cancer UK 024 7647 0584 http://www.kcuk.org/