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Your specialist has decided that you need a test called Urodynamics. This booklet has been designed to help answer some of the questions that you may have about this test.

This is a brief explanation of the test. Do not worry if you can not remember everything, the staff will talk you through on the day.

What is Urodynamics?
This is a study of bladder activity, the pressure in the bladder and the flow in the tube (the urethra) through which you pass urine. The study shows what is happening when your bladder is filling and emptying. This forms part of the total assessment of your bladder problems and will help your urologist to decide on treatment. This study will take approximately 40 minutes and will
not affect your ability to drive home afterwards.

Does everyone with bladder problems require urodynamics studies?
No, but it may be useful for the following situations:
• If you have a mixture of symptoms rather than one specific problem, which makes diagnosis less certain.
• To exclude abnormal bladder behaviour prior to surgery
• To investigate symptoms further if previous treatment has not improved your condition or your symptoms have changed.

You should tell us before your appointment if:
• You think you may be pregnant
• You think you may have a urinary tract infection
• You are allergic to anything
• You have a catheter
• You have any special needs (e.g. difficulty walking or language requirements)
• You may not have stopped taking some specific medication mentioned overleaf

Are there any special instructions before attending on the day I have urodynamics studies?
No special preparation is required; however, you must stop taking the following medication 1 week before your test:
Oxybutynin, Cystrin, Ditropan, Tolterodine, Detrusitol, Detrol LA, Flavoxate, Uripas, Propiverine, Detrunorm, Trospium, Regurin, Solifenacin, Vesicare, Betmiga.

If you have a urine infection on the day of your test we may not be able to complete it. You may therefore wish to have your urine tested by your GP a few days before your appointment. If you have an infection please ring the urology nurse for another appointment. If you have your period (menstruating) at the time of your appointment you may wish to rearrange it for reasons of personal comfort, but it will not affect the urodynamics studies.

We would like you to arrive with a full bladder, for the procedure. Please do not pass urine without asking a member of staff, as we may need to measure or test your urine.

How is the test done?
A nurse or a doctor will talk to you about your bladder problems and explain the procedure. You will be asked to pass urine into a special toilet that will measure the rate at which your urine flows
and how much you pass. A nurse will then test your urine to rule out infection. If infection is confirmed your test will be rescheduled. You will be offered a hospital gown, asked to undress from below the waist and then to lie down on the examination couch. After cleansing the genital area, a catheter will be passed into your bladder. Another catheter is placed into the back passage to
measure pressure from your tummy muscles. The catheters are connected to a special machine and computer which enables the nurse/doctor to observe bladder activity as the bladder fills and as
you pass urine.

As your bladder is filled with sterile saline, you will be asked to tell the nurse/doctor when you feel the need to pass urine and when you feel you cannot hold on any longer. You may be asked to do some gentle exercises while the nurse / doctor looks for leakage of urine. Please do not feel embarrassed if any urine escapes, this sometimes happens. Before the catheters are removed you will be left in private to pass urine into the special toilet again. The catheters will then be removed and you will be able to re-dress.

After the Procedure
After we have finished the test the doctor or nurse will briefly explain the results to you and tell you what will happen next. You may be asked to attend the outpatient clinic where the results will be discussed in greater detail. You will be given an antibiotic tablet after your test to protect you from infection. Please drink plenty of clear fluids (up to 2 litres per day) for 24 -48 hours after the procedure.

What to do if you have any problems after the procedure?
You may notice blood in your urine for a few days after urodynamics, don’t worry about this. If you drink plenty of water it will usually settle down. If it carries on you will need to see your General Practitioner (GP).

You may also experience the following problems:
• Pain or burning when passing urine
• Cloudy urine
• Offensive smelling urine
• Fever type symptoms- shivering but feeling hot at the same time.

If you experience any these problems you should visit your General Practitioner, who would kindly prescribe a course of antibiotics.

If you have any questions about the urodynamic test please contact:

Sonia Harrington
Urology Nurse
Milton Keynes Foundation Trust
01908 996902

Adapted with kind permission from St. Marys Hospital, Manchester.