Post-operative follow up for patients diagnosed with early stage endometrial cancer

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You have been recently diagnosed with an early staged endometrial cancer; Grade 1 Stage 1A.

Your risk of developing a problem in the future (recurrence) relating to this cancer is low however it is important for your cancer team to follow you up with post-operative surveillance for the next 3 years.

You will be assessed as follows:
Year 1: every 3 months
Year 2: every 4 months
Year 3: every 6 months

Your post-operative follow up will consist of alternating outpatient appointments and telephone calls from one of the Gynaecology Oncology Advanced Nurse Practitioners. During your outpatient clinic appointment you will be assessed and a pelvic examination will be carried out.

During the telephone call, you will be asked a series of questions regarding your health and any symptoms you may be experiencing (see attached check list). We hope you will find the call reassuring but if you have any worrying symptoms the nurse will arrange for you to be seen in the next available outpatient clinic. We have provided you with a Macmillan information booklet detailing signs and symptoms to be aware of.

You can contact the Nurse Practitioners on 01908 996308.

We hope you will find this course of post-operative surveillance reassuring.