Neurology Patient-Initiated Follow-Up
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What is a patient-initiated follow-up appointment?
A patient initiated follow up (PIFU for short) allows you to arrange follow up appointments as and when you need them.
This puts you in control of your hospital follow up and enables us to create capacity for direct access to guidance when you most need it.
Most patients with stable long-term conditions do not require regular follow up by the hospital team. Research has shown that the PIFU approach to care is not detrimental to your clinical care.
How do I book a patient initiated follow up appointment?
The service is quick and easy to use. If you feel you need to be seen, call the number on this leaflet and explain to the team that you are on the PIFU pathway and you need to be seen. The team will agree a suitable appointment date and time for you to have a consultation with your designated Consultant in the Neurology Team. If you have not heard back within a week, please call again for an update. Please note that the operator cannot give any clinical advice.
When should I call for a PIFU?
You should call the PIFU appointment bookings if you feel your medication is no longer managing your condition and have tried all the remedies found on our website. Please call and book an appointment to see you Neurology Consultant if you experience symptoms that you are concerned about.
You are unable to make a PIFU appointment within 3 months of being put on this pathway, after this if you call you should expect to have an appointment within 4 weeks of contact. When you attend your appointment your suitability for the PIFU pathway will be reviewed with the consultant and you will either be removed or PIFU extended.
If you feel like there has been a dramatic change or it is an emergency, please call the number below who will pass your query to the Neurology Patient Pathway Coordinator who can obtain a review from your consultant. Alternatively, in an emergency please email the address below.
Will you still be looking after me if I do not call for a PIFU?
After your allocated PIFU pathway length (1, 3 or 5 years) if you have not contacted MKUH for an appointment you will be discharged from the Neurology Service, and we will not offer an appointment. After this period if you need to be seen within the Neurology Service you will need to go back to your GP for a referral.
What if I am worried and change my mind about this style of management?
If you feel you wish to revert to regular hospital appointments, please get in contact with the PIFU appointment bookings and we will arrange this for you. We understand that patients may have concerns about not having regular contact with the hospital.
We appreciate and encourage feedback both negative and positive; we may be in contact in the future to gain feedback on your experience using this service.
Contact Details
PIFU appointment bookings (Central Booking Office): 01908 997050 Neurology Admin Email: [email protected]