Laryngoscopy, Bronchoscopy, Pharyngoscopy & Oesophagoscopy
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More about your treatment
You may have been told by your doctor that you need further treatment to find out more about your condition. Please take a few minutes to read through this information which answers the most usual questions patients ask.
Each of these investigations involves passing a rigid tube through the mouth to inspect the voice box (laryngoscopy), the windpipe and lungs (bronchoscopy) and the gullet (pharyngo-oesophagoscopy). Anything unusual can be seen through the tube and where necessary, removed with forceps or sometimes with the laser.
After Effects
Your throat will be sore for a few days after your operation.
Any bruising of your lips, gums or throat will settle within a few days. Teeth may be occasionally damaged during these investigations, especially if capped. Rarely, an oesophagoscopy can perforate the oesophagus. This is a serious complication that usually only occurs in seriously ill patients, especially those with tumours at obstructions, or impacted foreign bodies. It is very important that you inform the doctor before surgery if you have capped teeth and tell the doctor or nurse if you have a stiff neck or have lost or damaged teeth afterwards.
Follow up
After a Laryngoscopy you should rest your voice. Speech therapy may be advised. Breathing in steam will be arranged on the ward if necessary.
Length of Stay
The time that you stay in hospital depends upon your general health and anything else that has to be done, but it will usually be between six and twenty four hours.
For queries please contact: Treatment Centre on – (01908) 995 470