Hearing aids: Telephone Use
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Handy hints:
If you have difficulty hearing the phone ringing:
- check to see if the volume or ringtone can be adjusted.
- try putting the phone on a hard surface – it will make the ring sound louder.
If you still can’t hear it ring you may need:
- an extension bell or a flashing light – we can put you in touch with an equipment officer at the Sensory Advice and Resource Centre Milton Keynes who can advise you about this, or you can contact them yourself (how to contact them is in the section ‘Further Information’).
Using the telephone:
There are two ways to use your telephone with your hearing aid depending on the type of phone you have ( with or without an inductive coupler) and the type of aid you have ( with or without a ‘loop’ programme), but for both remember that if you put the phone against your ear in the normal way it won’t work.
It’s a good idea to practice by getting a friend to ring you up!
- If your phone does not have an inductive coupler (or your aid does not have a loop programme): You keep your hearing aid on programme 1 but instead of holding the receiver in the normal position, you hold it to the top of your ear. This is because your ear is blocked by the earmould, and the microphone, which picks up the sound of the person talking, is located at the top of the hearing aid, which sits just at the top of your ear. It may take a bit of practice to hold the phone in the right position, if the hearing aid whistles you will have to adjust the position a little.
- If your phone is fitted with an inductive coupler (‘telecoil’ or ‘loop’) or says it is ‘hearing aid compatible’: To use this type of phone you must put your hearing aid on the ‘loop’(sometimes called ‘T’ for telecoil) programme and then hold the telephone receiver so that it touches the body of your hearing aid (it might take a bit of practice to find the best place to make it touch).Using this makes the sound clearer and you won’t pick up background noise. Remember to put your aid back to Programme 1 when you finish on the phone.
All public payphones and roadside emergency phones have an inductive coupler because they are often situated in noisy places.
Amplified telephones
An amplified phone might help you to hear on the phone without your aid. If you are thinking of getting a new phone ask for one with an amplifier and an inductive coupler.
Mobile Phones
Some mobile phones can cause severe interference with some hearing aids, although this is not very common. If you experience interference you can buy accessories such as plug-in neckloops and ear hooks that may allow you to still use the mobile phone effectively. Your phone supplier can tell you if devices are available for your phone.
Further Information
Action on Hearing Loss has useful information and factsheets on equipment and can be contacted on: Telephone: 0808 808 0123 (Textphone 0808 808 9000) or via their website at www.actiononhearingloss.org.uk
There are also Action on Hearing Loss leaflets in the Audiology Department – please help yourself.
The equipment officer at the Sensory Advice and Resource Centre Milton Keynes can be contacted on 01908 401135 Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sarc-bid.org.uk SMS: 07803 452 617
If you need any further help please ask a member of the audiology staff.