Getting used to your digital hearing aid
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You have been fitted with your new digital aid today. We would like you to get the full benefit from your hearing aid so please wear it as much as possible and try it in different situations.
Getting used to the aid can take time and perseverance. Everyone gets used to hearing aids at different rates. For some people it can take a couple of months to get used to the sound. The more you wear the hearing aids the quicker you will get used to them. It is important to try to wear the hearing aids a bit every day to help your brain get used to hearing different sounds.
The first thing to practise is fitting your hearing aid. This can be difficult at first, but will become as easy as putting on a pair of glasses.
Getting used to sounds
Sounds that you haven’t heard for many years may have become forgotten. You need to identify and accept these sounds; it is like re-learning to hear.
▪ Sitting by yourself in the living room listen to footsteps, the TV, the radio, the clock ticking, the gas fire hissing etc.
▪ Sitting in the kitchen listen to the noise of washing up, the tap running,the hum of the fridge, the cutlery in the drawer etc.
▪ With other people make sure you can see their face when they talk to you, and explain to them that if they shout their voice will be distorted for you. They need to speak clearly to you.
What you can realistically expect your hearing aid to do for you
▪ In quiet situations you should be able to hear better.
▪ In noisy situations you should be able to hear better most of the time.
▪ Your aid will not be as good in a noisy situation as in a quiet one.
▪ Ordinary speech should be comfortable.
▪ Loud sounds should be loud but not uncomfortable.
▪ Your earmould or ‘life’ tube should be comfortable.
▪ The sound of your own voice should become acceptable to you.
▪ There should be no whistling from the aid, if it is inserted correctly.
Useful videos can be found on the internet by searching ‘C2Hear Online’ Contact information. For any queries, to discuss concerns, or to book appointments please contact us at:
• Audiology, Main Outpatients, Milton Keynes University Hospital, Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes, MK6 5LD
• Telephone 01908 995199 / 995156 between 9.00 and 4.30 Monday to Friday.
• Fax 01908 997784
• Email to [email protected]
We can also receive text SMS messages on 01908 995199 / 995156 but please note that we cannot text message back to you.
Where to find us
• Audiology, Level 4 (top floor) , Main Outpatients, Yellow Zone, Milton Keynes University Hospital.
We are not open at weekends or on bank holidays.