Fever in Children
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You should:
• Give your child regular fluids and encourage them to drink more. If breastfeeding, continue as normal
• Check your child at night
• Keep them away from school/nursery; notify the nursery/school of their illness
• Consider either paracetamol or ibuprofen as an option if the child appears distressed or is unwell. Please take according to the manufacturer’s instructions
• Look for signs of dehydration, including:
Sunken Eyes
Dry mouth
Absence of tears when crying
Generally unwell
Go to your GP, walk-in centre or Emergency Department if:
• Your child has a seizure
• Develops a non-blanching rash (check using “the glass test”)
• They are getting worse or their fever lasts more than 5 days
• They develop signs of dehydration
• You feel unable to care for your child at home
Please note:
• Do not over or under dress a child with fever
• Do not cool your child so much that they start to shiver. Shivering can also be a sign of a very high temperature, and should not be ignored – seek medical advice if this occurs
• Tepid sponging and cool baths are never recommended
If you have any further queries, please contact:
• Emergency Department: 01908 995 913 ext. 2409 between 9am and 10 pm
• Hospital switchboard: 01908 660033 between 10pm and 9am
• NHS 111
• Your GP surgery