Exercises for Vertigo Sufferers
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Eye movements
First slowly, then rapidly.
- Up and down.
- From side to side.
- Focusing on your finger as it moves from three feet to one foot away from your face.
Head movements
First slowly, then rapidly. Initially with eyes open, later with eyes closed.
- Bending forwards and backwards.
- Turning from side to side.
Sitting exercises in addition to the eye exercises
- Shoulder shrugging and circling.
- Bending forwards and picking up objects from the floor.
- Sitting down and standing up with eyes open and closed.
Standing Exercises in addition to eye exercises
- Throwing a small ball from hand to hand at above eye level.
- Throwing the ball from hand to hand under the knee.
- Sitting down and standing up, then turning round through 360 degrees.
Exercises for moving about
- Circle round a person who throws a large ball to you. Throw the ball back.
- Walk across the room. First, with eyes open, then with eyes closed.
- Walk up and down a slope. First, with eyes open, then closed.
- Walk up and down stairs. First with eyes open, then with eyes closed.
- Any game which involves bending or stretching and aiming e.g. skittles.