Discharge advice 5th metatarsal fracture
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You have fractured a bone on the outer part of your foot.
• The fracture has occurred in a part of the bone which normally heals well without problems.
• The pain, tenderness and swelling you are experiencing in the foot should gradually settle over a period of several weeks.
• During this time, you may find walking on the foot painful – it may help to walk on the heel initially.
• You will be provided with a support for the foot in the form of bandaging or a removable boot. If required, you will also be provided with crutches.
• You may walk on the foot as much as pain allows, and if you have been given a boot you should gradually stop using it over 3-5 weeks as the pain settles.
- Most injuries heal without any problems – however it may take several months for your symptoms to settle completely.
- Occasionally the fracture may fail to heal and continue to be painful, even after several months.
A surgical procedure may be needed at this stage to help heal the fracture.
If you are still experiencing significant symptoms after several months, contact the Virtual Fracture Clinic on: 01908 995205 (08:30 until 15:30, Monday to Friday).
If it’s out of hours and you think that it’s urgent, contact the Emergency Department on 01908 660033.