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The following advice is general:
- Measure the state of your asthma by checking your peak flow rate regularly. It is possible that, even if you don’t feel unwell, your asthma is not well-controlled. The most reliable way to judge the condition of your asthma is by checking your peak flow rate. A peak flow rate meter is now available on prescription from your GP and is simple to use.
- Have a written plan. Most patients with asthma benefit from a written plan agreed with their GP and/or asthma nurse.
- See your GP urgently if your sleep is disturbed because of your asthma or you need to use your inhaler more than once a day or your peak flow remains low.
- Go to the Emergency Department (ED) if your inhalers are not helping, or if you get short of breath. This may be due to your faulty technique of using the inhaler or you may need to use two
inhalers. The second one is called a ‘preventer’. - Always keep a spare ‘reliever’ inhaler with you.
Try not to be exposed to:
- Smoke
- Things you are allergic to (eg animal fur)
- Cold
- Anxiety and stress