Adult Circumcision
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What is circumcision?
It is the removal of the foreskin or loose skin around the penis.
Why is it needed?
The two most common reasons are:
• Repeated infections of the foreskin (Balanitis).
• Very tight foreskin (Phimosis) Paraphimosis – retraction of the foreskin behind the glans with an inability to replace it.
What are the benefits of treatment?
• To treat foreskin abnormality
• To reduce the risk of infection.
• To remove the Symptoms
Are there any risks involved?
The two main risks are bleeding and infection of the wound site. Both are small risks and can be discussed with your doctor before surgery.
What happens during the operation?
The operation is done as a day case. In which case it will be performed under a general anaesthetic, which means you will be asleep during the procedure. In a small number of patients who are
medically unfit for a general anaesthetic, the operation can be performed under a local anaesthetic. This means you will be awake during the procedure but have no sensation of the foreskin.
The operation takes about 30 minutes and dissolvable stitches are used which may take some time to disappear over the next four weeks.
What to expect after the operation
A loose dressing may be applied around the penis this is normally removed before you go home. Following this operation you can expect:
• Minor bleeding
• There will be some swelling and bruising of the penis. The wound may look ‘crusty’ and ooze clear/straw coloured fluid. This is quite normal.
What about pain?
The local anaesthetic wears off after four hours so you may experience some pain and discomfort. This can be relieved by taking painkillers as prescribed.
• You may experience pain or discomfort when passing urine or when the wound is touched, this will start to settle as the wound heals
• Drink 2 litres of fluid daily to help dilute the urine which should reduce the stinging
How do I keep the wound clean?
It is important to keep the wound clean, particularly when passing urine – preferably by drenching the area with lukewarm water (no need to dry afterwards). From the next day following the operation take a shower daily until the wound is healed. Avoid wearing tight clothing for the first few days, cotton underwear and jogging bottoms are best.
On Discharge from hospital
Avoid any strenuous activities until all the swelling, bruising and discomfort have disappeared. Time off work 3 to 7 days depending on the nature of your work.
When should I seek help?
The wound may look swollen and unpleasant for up to a week after surgery and may ooze a small amount of clear fluid, this will settle on its own.
Contact your GP or Practice Nurse for advice if:
• The wound becomes very red, swollen or tender after at least four days. This may indicate infection.
• You have any excessive bleeding
• You have difficulty in passing urine.
• You have Increasing pain or pain that cannot be controlled with pain killers.
• You have a high temperature.
Further Useful contacts
01908 997004 – General Surgery, Colorectal, Breast, Urology Hub
Day Surgery Unit 01908 995468
Same Day Admission 01908996433
Ward 21 01908 996448
Pharmacy Medicine Information 01908 995733