Dr Khyati Ramani
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This leaflet is for adult patients who may wish to decline a blood transfusion at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Trust including patients who are admitted to hospital or...
This information is provided by NHS Blood and Transplant. To view the leaflet, click here. ...
This information is provided by NHS Blood and Transplant. To view the leaflet, click here....
Blood Groups Just as every human being is unique, so are the factors in your blood. People can belong to one of four blood groups; A, B, AB and...
Why do I need to know? If you come into hospital and you may need a blood transfusion, we need to test your blood. In addition to your blood...
This test is best performed as ONE 24hr urine collection. You should tell your doctor about any drugs (if any) you are currently taking. DANGER! THIS BOTTLE CONTAINS AN...