Shared learning and Appreciative Inquiry Impact

Date: 05/10/2021

All staff and members of the Milton Keynes University Hospital are invited to the QI/Audit afternoon from on Thursday 21st October from 1400 – 1600hrs.

1400 – 1500: GREATix
1500 – 1600: Appreciative Inquiry

Full Programme:
1400 – 1415: Welcome from GREATix Team – Dr Sarah Aturia, Anaesthetist and Greatix co-lead, MKUH
1415 – 1425: GREATix champion Jill McDonald, Deputy Chief Pharmacist
1425 – 1435: GREATix  Champion Robyn Pape – Ward 23 Sister
14.35 – 14.45: GREATix  Champion Daine Gray – Neonatal nurse
14.45 – 15.00: Updates and Journey ahead  – Dr Jyothi Srinivas, Consultant Paediatrician and Greatix co-Lead

1500 – 1520: Overview of appreciative inquiry and highlights of the programme at MKUHT so far – Dr Belinda Dewar and Dr Edel Roddy
1520 – 1550: Examples of appreciative inquiry in our everyday world of practice – Voices from Staff in MKUH
1550 – 1600:
 Reflections and close Dr Belinda Dewar and Dr Edel Roddy

Dr Jyothi Srinivas, Dr Sarah Aturia & Prof Belinda Dewar

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