Our Surgery Robots Have Names!

Date: 28/10/2024

MKUH’s two Versius surgical robots now have names – thanks to the children of Milton Keynes. The surgery teams asked children from local schools to come up with ideas for names and this week surgeons Barrie Keeler and Richard O’Hara announced the winners from a shortlist of entries at a special ceremony.

The children whose names were selected were invited to Phase 2 theatres to try their skills at using the robots (without patients, of course!), guided by Mario Bento from CMR Surgical, which manufactures the high-tech pieces of theatre equipment. The surgical robots are now used in many colorectal, gynae and urology cases.

The robots are now called Dr Bot and Dex – and all the children who came along were presented with goodie bags and certificates as a thank you. A special prize was given to Millie for her amazing drawing.