Nurse Cadets join MKUH workforce
Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been working in partnership with MK College to deliver on-the-job experience to future healthcare workers and create career pathways for young people with the introduction of the Nurse Cadets Programme.
The Programme will offer young people, studying Health and Social Care, the opportunity to take their first steps towards becoming qualified nurses and healthcare practitioners. Nurse Cadet schemes were originally popular in the 60’s and 70’s but were eventually scrapped in favour of University-based training. But now they’re back! We have taken on 21 Nurse Cadets in the first cohort.
It’s hoped that after their placements the Nurse Cadets will either obtain employment at MKUH or go on to University and return to the hospital once they are fully qualified. The placements will allow the students to gain valuable hands-on experience with patients, providing a exposure to a range of different areas and roles within the NHS.
This scheme will be running across the Thames Valley, combining guided learning with clinical placements at local NHS Trusts who choose to take part.
For more information or to follow the journey of the Cadets, please follow @CadetsNurse on Twitter or @Nurse_Cadetstv on Instagram.
Last Modified: 3:02pm 28/01/2020
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