A COVID-19 Vaccination & Pregnancy information Webinar
The COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for ALL pregnant and postnatal women, in line with the current national vaccination programme. (The vaccine is recommended after the first trimester and safe for administration whilst breastfeeding).
Please join us for a webinar regarding information the COVID-19 vaccination and pregnancy. We will be joined by representatives from all hospitals – Bedford, Luton & Dunstable and Milton Keynes, including our Specialist Feeding and Community Midwives. We will also have an Obstetrician and BLMK Local Maternity and Neonatal System representatives available to answer any questions you might have.
Tuesday 25th May 1 -2 pm – Click here to Join!
If you have any specific questions you would like answered, please email them to: [email protected] and put Pregnancy Broadcast 1 – 2pm in the subject box.
Last Modified: 9:22am 25/05/2021
For all media enquiries please contact [email protected]