MK Way Career – Pathology

Pathology Support Workers and Assistants are essential roles within healthcare. These can be your first step into the NHS, where you can progress onto more senior roles. Please note, the courses outlined below will need to align to your area of work, but are listed to evidence the breadth and scope of opportunities on offer.

Band 2 & Band 3

Courses – the following are courses that can be used to support your career  development:

  • Functional Skills (English/Maths)
  • Data Technician Level 3
  • Healthcare Science Level 2
  • Quality Practitioner Level 4
  • Customer Service Level 2

Band 4

Courses – in addition to those documented previously, the following are courses that can be used to support your career development:

  • Team Leader – Level 3 (if already supervising/leading)
  • Data Analyst – Level 4
  • Project Management Level 4
  • Healthcare Science Level 4
  • Healthcare Science Degree (BMS) Level 6

Band 5, Band 6 & Band 7

Courses – the following are courses that can be used to support your career development:

  • Coaching Apprenticeship – Level 5
  • Departmental Manager/Mary Seacole Leadership Apprenticeship – Level 5
  • Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship – Level 6
  • Senior Leader MBA Apprenticeship – Level 7

Band 8

Courses – the following are courses that can be used to support your career development:

  • Senior Leader MBA Apprenticeship – Level 7

Last Modified: 12:49pm 26/07/2022