Mental Health Liaison Team

Address; Hospital Campus, Eaglestone Health Centre, Milton Keynes University Hospital, Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes, MK6 5LD

Operating hours; 24/7 across Milton Keynes University Hospital site.

The Milton Keynes Mental Health Liaison Team provides rapid psychiatric assessment of adults (over 18 years old) presenting with mental health problems across Milton Keynes University Hospital Accident and Emergency department and inpatient wards. The team is part of a supportive and well-integrated mental health service that benefits from an intelligent and professionally mature workforce.

Who we see

We provide support for people aged over 18 with mental health needs who access A&E or who are inpatients on other wards within MKUH.

How to access the service

Referrals are made internally within the hospital A&E department or from other wards within the hospital.

To access our service, you need to be referred by a member of staff at the Milton Keynes University Hospital. Staff will refer you if they think it can improve your wellbeing during your stay in hospital.

Our team

The Milton Keynes Mental Health Liaison Team has a dedicated multidisciplinary team with a Consultant psychiatrist, junior doctor, Clinical Psychologists, Senior Practitioners and a number of specialist mental health nurses.

What we do

Once you’ve been referred to our service, we’ll come and visit you in A&E or on your ward. Depending on the urgency, you could be seen within 24 hours of your referral in Milton Keynes University Hospital inpatient wards. The Liaison team professionals will assess your mental health needs and collect some information from you. Moreover with your permission we will also speak to your relatives and other healthcare professionals involved in your care.

Once we have completed our assessment, we will discuss your treatment options with you and your family or carers. We will then collaboratively put together an individual care plan to make sure you get the right support and advice required. We can also help you adjusting to a physical illness.

We can then make recommendations for treatment and advice to hospital ward staff including doctors, nurses, therapists, social workers and care managers. Where appropriate, the liaison team are involved in deciding what care and support can be given when patients are discharged from hospital including referrals to the community mental health teams and GPs.

What are my rights when seeing a liaison team?

When seeing a liaison professional for assessment service-users have the right to:

  • Be seen in a private area;
  • Choose whether or not a relative, friend or advocate will accompany you for the assessment. You may wish for them to be included in your assessment or excluded (i.e. not at the assessment) – it is your decision;
  • Be involved in decisions about your care and any treatment being offered;
  • Be provided with information about what has been discussed in your assessment;
  • Be kept informed of your care plan and any on-going treatment available.

Useful links

Mental Health

Substance Misuse

Support for older adults

Other support

Last Modified: 9:01am 07/02/2024