Last Modified: 1:50pm 12/04/2021
What to do after a Hypoglycaemic event
- Reflect on why (See ‘Causes of hypoglycaemia’) and assess cognitive state.
- Reduce risk of recurrence through diabetes medication dose review (?reduce dose of medication prior to time of hypoglycaemia: insulin or Sulphonylureas )
- Do not omit the next insulin dose, but consider a 10-20% dose reduction
- Only consider omitting meal time rapid acting insulin if the patient is declining food
- Check renal function if clinically indicated (reduced insulin clearance with AKI/CKD)
- If at risk of prolonged hypoglycaemia (e.g. on long acting insulin or Sulphonylureas, or not eating and drinking, consider use of continuous IV glucose infusion with BG monitoring)
- Remember non-diabetic causes of hypoglycaemia
- Refer to the diabetes specialist nursing team if cause unclear. Team hours Mon-Friday 8.00-4.00pm. Outside these hours and at weekends either refer via eCare if immediate guidance not needed or contact medical registra on-call.
- Record event in eCare using /diabhypo to find template for completion.
- Review driving advice (see ‘Using insulin and driving section’)
(Joint British Diabetes Societies 2018)