FAQs – Taking part in a research study

We hope this information is useful. For any other advice, support or to raise a concern, contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service office on 01908 995954 or email [email protected]

For information on the Health Research Authority and the Confidentiality Advisory Group visit the Health Research Authority’s website.

You can find out more about your information rights on the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office.

To find out more about the research that is carried out at MKUH contact the R&D team at [email protected] or call them on 01908 995137.

Alternatively, you can visit the National Institute for Health Research website and, under the ‘NHS organisation’ search option, type in ‘Milton Keynes University Hospital’ and all of the studies will be listed.

Visit the Be Part of Research website to search for and sign up to be contacted about research studies that interest you.

Do I have to decide to take part straight away?

When a study is designed every effort is made to reduce any risk to patients. Before any clinical research can start, it is subject to thorough review from all applicable regulatory authorities and the NHS.

In the study of new treatments and investigations, the researchers may be aware of some side effects, but there is also the possibility of unknown side effects. It is important to bear in mind that all treatments and investigations could potentially cause side effects.

We will carefully monitor your health during the study, and you should tell us about any illnesses or changes in your body that you notice.

What does taking part in research involve?

Your involvement and the time required depends on what is being investigated. The research team should be able to provide you with details.

Will I get paid?

This depends on the study but this is unlikely. The research team should be able to provide you with details.

Will I be able to find out the research results?

The researcher should tell you when the research is complete and the results are publicly available. We encourage our researchers to create a summary of results for participants – ask your research team about this if you are interested.

What if I have concerns about the research?

If you have any questions or concerns about the research, you should contact the:

  • study team in the first instance
  • hospital’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) by emailing [email protected] or calling them on 01908 995 954.

Who approves the study?

All our studies are reviewed and approved by the appropriate and applicable regulatory authorities. Research in the NHS is approved by the NHS Research Ethics Committee and the Health Research Authority, drug trials are usually approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA). Each NHS Trust has a research and development (R&D) department whose role it is to make sure all the correct approvals are in place. Anyone doing research within the NHS must have a letter of approval from their R&D department.

Do I have to decide to take part straight away?

Very rarely will you need to decide to take part straight away. It is better to take the time to evaluate the benefits and risks of participating in the study before you decide. The researchers will clearly explain these benefits and risks and will be available to discuss any queries you may have.