Our Matrons

Here at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, our Matrons are committed to ensuring patients receive high standards of care.

Our matrons

Our Matrons have a wealth of knowledge, are visible, provide clinical leadership and role modelling to our nursing and midwifery workforce.

What is important to us is:

Your experience

We are here to listen to you and ensure you have the best possible experience in our care.

Our aim is for everyone to be treated with dignity and respect.

Your safety

We are ensuring your hospital is clean and the environment promotes recovery.

This includes the prevention and control of infections and setting and monitoring of standards.

Your care

We are ensuring your care is effective, given at the right time and of high quality.

We do this by ensuring you are cared for by a skilled, compassionate and competent workforce.

We are here to listen to you

To contact one of our matrons, click here.

Last Modified: 1:44pm 23/09/2020