Maternity Disclosure Log 2023

  1. Abortion Response 8330
  2. Age of birth Mothers Response 7899
  3. Age of birth Mothers Response 7899 Attachment
  4. Antenatal and Newborn Screening Team Response 8258
  5. Antenatal Classes Response 8448
  6. Asylum Seekers NHS debt Response 8518
  7. Babies Born at MKUH Response 8144
  8. Breast Milk Response 7878
  9. Caesarean Policies Response 8192
  10. Death in Child Birth Response 8060
  11. Digital Maternity Training Platform Response 8259
  12. Endometriosis Pathway Response 8177
  13. Fertility Treatment & Support for Staff Response 8103
  14. Feticide or D&E guideline Response 7876
  15. Feticide Response 7900
  16. Indications for Caesarean Response 8474
  17. Indications for Caesarean Response 8474 - Attachment 1
  18. Indications for Caesarean Response 8474 Attachment 2
  19. Induction of Labour Response 8364
  20. Induction of Labour Response 8364 - Attachment
  21. Ineligible Maternity Payments Response 8485
  22. IVF Response 8532
  23. Management of Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy Response 8344
  24. Management of Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy Response 8344 - Attachment
  25. Maternity Response 7822
  26. Maternity Management System Response 8236
  27. Maternity Response 7822 - Attachment
  28. Maternity Unit due to Industrial Action Response 8382
  29. Midwifes Response 8268
  30. Miscarriage Support Request 7893
  31. Miscarriage Support Response 7893 - Attachment
  32. Mortality Rates Amongst Mothers between Response 8497
  33. Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) Response 7876
  34. Neonatal Deaths Response 8109
  35. Neonatal Deaths Response 8109 - Attachment
  36. Obstetric Data Response 8008
  37. Obstetric Data Response 8008 - Attachment
  38. Services to Pregnant Women Response 7987
  39. Stillbirth and NND Response 8444
  40. Pain Relief Options During Labour Response 8168
  41. Pregnancy and Miscarriage Response 8222
  42. Trauma Protocols in Pregnant Patients Response 7932