Treatment of High Blood Glucose Levels (Hyperglycaemia) on Pump Therapy
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This information is provided by Medicines for Children. To view the leaflet, please visit:...
Why does my child need sedation? Sedation will make your child feel sleepy and calm; it can help children to cope with any potentially frightening or uncomfortable procedures. Sedation...
Isolation Nursing This leaflet attempts to answer some of the questions about why your child is being nursed in a single room (isolation) and what this means. Why has...
Personal details Patient’s Name: Address: Date of birth: Hospital number: Name of consultant: Allergies: Weight: Date of last competency check: Please use the following telephone numbers if you have...
What is hyperglycaemia? Target blood glucose level is between 4 and 7 mmol/l. Hyperglycaemia is when the blood glucose level is too high. High blood glucose levels could be...
We think that it is alright for your child to leave hospital now. We have checked their symptoms and they seem well on the road to recovery. When you...
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