Meet the programme team
The New Hospital Programme (NHP) at MKUH will be the biggest infrastructure project undertaken by the hospital in the last 20 years. Meet the core team behind the MK View programme.
John Blakesley – Deputy Chief Executive and Senior Responsible Owner
John has over 40 years of experience in healthcare. His career started in pathology, before moving into general management.
He has undertaken a range of executive director roles as director of performance and delivery as well as deputy chief executive and director of market management (commissioning for a large PCT).
John is the senior responsible officer (SRO) for MK View.
Phil Eagles – Estates Lead for Strategic Development
Phil is the overall estates lead for our programme and is responsible for managing all of the construction, infrastructure and energy developments. Phil is the MK View lead for the building construction and manages the team (made up of both internal and external colleagues) to achieve the desired outcomes.
Malcolm Ormond – Associate Deputy Director of Estates
Malcolm is the project manager for our capital estates projects and is responsible for managing the building contractors and suppliers, ensuring that work is completed to a high standard and within the timescale agreed. Projects include the Radiotherapy Centre and the proposed new multi-storey car park.
Matthew Sandham – Clinical Lead for Strategic Development
Matthew is the clinical lead for MK View, ensuring that the clinical components for our new hospital are aligned and work collaboratively with the rest of the site.
To facilitate engagement across the hospital, Matthew has been organising a series of ‘Workshop Wednesdays’ throughout 2022, allowing teams to have their say on the new hospital. To continue these conversations, we will be hosting ‘Walkaround Wednesdays’ in 2023.
Matthew is a former Associate Chief Nurse at MKUH and has a wealth of knowledge and experience from a 30+ career in nursing.
Charlotte Naqvi – Workforce Lead
Charlotte is the workforce lead for MK View and is responsible for workforce planning and supporting/identifying transformation initiatives to help our workforce deliver high-quality, evidence-based care. Charlotte is a registered nurse by background with over 10 years of experience in various roles at MKUH.
Emma Nilsen – Programme Support
Emma provides programme support to the strategic estate’s team, ensuring that team members have all the information that they need to manage their workstream successfully. Emma is often the first point of contact for the NHP, coordinating all requests so that they are actioned and responded to by the most appropriate individual.
Last Modified: 11:42am 01/11/2023